The collection includes 42 ANKH tokens and is organized in six variants that make use of distinct color palettes. It is worth noting that each token variant offers the same interactive experience. Token rarity is as follows:
Price structure & Royalties
The Ankh is an NFT that fully lives on the Cardano blockchain without the need of resorting to external hosting services (e.g., IPFS, arweave). Around 14kb of metadata that will last as long as Cardano. The Ankh is an interactive experience that features
Do you want to know more about the on-chain Cardano scene? Try out the ANKH-olette. It's like berrypicking but with an extra dose of fun!
ANKH-oletteUse the arrow keys to control the dice. Left or right? Choose one direction and go towards one of the ❓ symbols. Maybe you will be able to reach the minting page or maybe you will be redirected to the Twitter account of another on-chain creator. In this latter case, explore their work, do your own research, and consider to support them by minting (or buying) their NFTs. Some of the best experiences are the result of serendipity :)
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